Doesn't poetry save lives?

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Unfinished poems ~

Unfinished poems

could be 
searching for synapses,

looking for warmth,

seeking annihilation,


a story of love 
so strong 
it's consummation
could only be 
a tragedy.

Perils of breakup sex (or, why I can't keep my legs closed for you)

Now see what you've done, she said,
spoilt my hair with your come,
you were always one for a mess,
never wanting to come inside,
forever searching for new places to spill.

It's right too, I guess, that 
we leave on this note,
the final sign-off as we part,
& I remain to clean 
your unending mess. 

Strange, that I even allowed you 
to fuck me this night,
but I guess
nostalgia beats experience -
& my pussy has it's own mind.

why the hell am I feeling gooey inside,
when, after all we've been through, 
I should have felt relief -
not a fucking flood of emptiness.

But you have always been my best lover,
held me together, as you tore me.
God, how I will miss having you inside, 
our mornings, your hand between my legs,
& my holding you, as you grew soft to hard.

Why couldn't our life be the fun 
which we could conjure in our sheets?
How can we be like animals in bed 
despicable human beings?

I part with you the way I part my legs -
it's a mystery as to who would 
enter my body, or my life,
but just go, lover, just go,
before my love again turns to lust. 

Let us break what we have 
to preserve what we had,
let us find ways to rebuild what is left -
we will see if the worst of us has died,
we will see if there is some good which survives. 

But if things go badly for a while,
come back, sleep on my breast -
I will be a Mary to your Jesus -
you will break my body with your sorrow,
I will mend you by holding you soft. Soft. Soft.        

Sundrops ~

If you want a reason to live 
come to the desert. 

The lazy smoke of morning fires 
from the mist from my mouth.
Babies awakening in cold mornings 
finding their reasons 
in throaty screams.

Stony umbrellas 
forever sheltering
and clouds caught in trees.
Sandy roads 
meandering lazily -
carved out to just be.

And I, a wanderer, 
seeking meaning in stranger places,
unable to find an answer 
to someone who says -
sundrops have all life's answers,
why go, when this is the place to stay?

In Dhundlod on 29 th January 2015 

Together in a winter morn ~

It's never a day for nays,
even when it's freezing over,
there's always a way to warmth,
there's always a fire we can find. 

Your hand is sleet in pink,
snuggling to find desire,
I can only murmur you a sigh,
when summer's buried in the ground.

And so, on a wintry morning,
I have your cold nose in my neck. 
And I think, with a small smile -
we are together, so I forget the rest. 

In Dhundlod on 28th January 2015 

Vexations & largesse: diary of a hypocrite ~

I have decided that 
I don't like her. 
All my dealings henceforth
will be of sheer hypocrisy.
I will smile with elan 
and wish her with warmth, 
whilst thinking of her 
as that necessary pain:
alas, I will be a worse person 
because of her.

But it gives me a mull 
and a cause for pause:
are such people tests 
to search for decent response,
or merely life's directive 
to search for good in disaster;
merely means to perspective -
of bad which could be worse,
or are they people with stories 
of life lessons we should hear?

I will then meet her with sincerity,
step aside after the first flush,
I will admire her considerable talents,
and bypass her nature.
The wise have rightly said -
avoid what's vexatious to the soul.
I will do my sitting mediation
as she holds forth,
be right in my behavior
revel in the largesse of my soul. 

A Woman of All Seasons ~

I see the river in her,
as she cuts deep 
when she flows.

At times, 
I see the hills in her, generous,
not a mountain's arrogance.

Often, she is the thunderstorm -
ostensibly angry, 
but only cleansing the sky.

Who will ever know, but a few, 
that she is also the soothing shower 
of an impervious day.

And the time she is the mist,
she is only hiding 
her friend from his own scars. 

In all her seasons, 
she weathers her own caprice,
to shadow the hidden truth -

a dark night 
often hides
a sheltering sky. 

(For Maayaa)

Conversations ~

We generally talk 
through the television:
we speak to it, 
it gives it's story,
and then we hear each other. 

So we have reflected drama
in all our conversations
our tone may well be dead.

Every tv show has a resolution,
so does ours - 
reality as contrived as fiction,
until the next season's run.

Once, a long time back,
I asked him to sit in front of me,
to shut out every device -
book, music, television -
and look at me.
I talked,
waited for his response,
he squirmed,
uncomfortable in my gaze,
desperate for escape.

And then he looked away. 

Ever since,
we have never sat across the other,
we have never talked to each other. 
We have stayed together,
but forever looked the other way.

The way of all flesh ~

And she, 
a poet in everything 
(except words),
traced a silk road 
on my chest with her legs,
and said -
There's nothing worth reading
except about love,
there's nothing worth doing
except make love. 
What is your mood tonight,
to do or to talk?

He found a mole 
somewhere up her thighs,
where shadows 
had begun to fall, 
and said -
Let's make love with words,
and see where it leads:
why dwell in one world,
when there's adventure in two. 

Her smile was langour,
and felt like smoky halls
&  mothy nooks-
Your words give me a high
but your body is my soul:
you enter me
and make me a mistress of zen.
I'm a creature of my skin
and your body makes me whole.
Maybe the way of all flesh 
is perdition,
but the way leads 
through nirvana.

So be my Jesus tonight,
read your sermon to me,
and then have me crucified:
be my cross, my love, and 
let my blood not go waste.
Don't believe them who say 
you have sold your soul 
to the devil -
know, it's treasured,
know, it is rendered pure,
every night with me,
every night.

Lost songs ~

That exasperated sigh of yours -
will sleep soothe your memory
or will you think more of it?

Our differences are specks in space
but stones in our hearts,
and unforgiving,
even as every dawn absolves 
every night of every sin. 

How much do we lose of each other
as we think only of our own hurts.

But such is the nature of all grief -
a moment of stress,
a decision of distress,
a lifetime of regret. 

Is there the joy of amnesia
in our chequered fortunes,
when we rid ourselves 
of the problem of us,
to rediscover our lost innocence,
and the pristine tone 
of our old love songs.

We were, and are, 
good people,
tired for a moment, 
a mere moment's exasperation
for a problem of infinity. 

A word I will ask, my love ~

A word I will ask,
if you allow me, my love,
the love you learnt from me,
who is it that you do it with now? 

Olde year blues ~

I never wait for you to come
nor for you to go.
But your final passage 
has only sadness
writ in it's skein.

Even as the skies 
streak with celebration,
no amount of music 
can drown the plaintive cries of
a hundred partings. 

Resurrect, as you must,
but leave your false dawns aside:
have the courage 
to tell your final truth

The roads were washed out of rains ~

The roads were washed out of rains,
it was cloudy and gloomy
and much of last year's grime;
they say it's a new year 
but deja vu is all that I find. 

She likes me as a poet ~

She likes me as a poet -
she doesn't like what I write.

She reads every word I write -
she doesn't like when it's about her.
I tell her i write about what runs in my veins -
she cuts my vein & says: write about that. 

Stranger in the mirror ~

A stranger stays in my room with me. 
I look in the mirror and talk with him. 
He is not always likeable,
but we often look out into the sea together,
thinking of what conjoins us
and the wonder of that:
nothing is ever what it seems. 

I am style, he is substance,
I'm decent, he is corrupt. 
And in that divide lies the answer 
of why we coexist.

It's easy to say "Opposites attract",
it's harder to understand that 
opposites desire:
what they want is much stronger -
they crave,
they ache,
they covet,
they hunger. 

And even as they change, 
they battle with themselves. 

And when I look again in the mirror,
to finally see someone familiar,
I see 
a new stranger.

Ray ~

I see the ray of light 
falling into the room, 
I see the floating smite 
as it drifts in the light,

and I see you 
as you see me. 

I see you see me 
as the dust & the grime,
I see you see me 
as nothing more than a deed,

and I see my light dim,
as I see us fall apart.

The room glows warm
even as history finds it's criminal,
in the recesses of our story
we lie broken.

The ray finds it's nature,
and leaves the night behind. 

The Stone's Song ~

The brook flowed over the stone.

A song gurgled in their throats,
the twosome loving 
their serene place in the sun.

Then the brook rolled the stone 
along in it's flow,
the stone could have dug in,
but it let itself go.

Further and further
the stone was led, 
deeper and deeper 
in the stream's depth,
until it reached a plane 
where there was no light, 
no sound, no song, 
just the brook's sightless eyes.
And a silence instead of 
a heart's song. 

(And she asked him 
"Nowadays, why are you so quiet?")

Flowers wrapped in flowers divine ~

For Thay
(forever alive  in Plum Village) ~

Flowers wrapped in flowers divine,
petals loving the whorls inside,
the whorls knowing the colors divine,
a vision seeking a vision undefined,
without a beginning without an end,
a breath which stays, a breath which stops,
the skies know infinity -
that which is born never dies. 

The stones ask - am I  the river?
The waves ask - am I the water?
Life asks - am I the flower?
Thay says - ask not the question,
your life is ever-present, for love never dies,
and every bit of you is made of me.
You will cherish my words, my life,
for they are yours and made of thee.

Nobody does winter better than you ~

Nobody does winter better than you.

Mist curls out from your mouth
as the sun slants with it's false promise.
Long shadows lie like bruises 
on the hard unforgiving ground.
You are both the ice which cracks 
& the crevasse where you fall.

I can only reach out 
to save your slivers,
for you will forever find 
the moribund in your breathing. 
I now fear even the first fall of snow,
for nothing white is now sacred.

And the days -
when winter was the time 
to seek warmth in
chilling wilderness -
now lie buried in a shallow grave,
as we wait for the next blizzard 

which would chill us, but never ever kill.

Karma ~

There was very little left 
to say,
but the cruelty could have been
She chose grace instead,
and all I remembered of her,
before she left,         
was humility.
She was what she was, but 
I left a larger person,
though broken.

I stepped out and found 
the evening clouds 
tinged with an ochre       
I had never seen.

For everything one loses,
there is something which always 
comes back.

Holy burial ~

You are my most beautiful vexation:
you could have my flight,
you turned out to be 
my Westminster Abbey.

Name ~

I struggled with fragilities
with a sense of eternity,
I thought I was the ground,
even as I moved as the breeze.
Then, in a fleeting moment 
I knew -
your name was an illusion,
hence only yours would abide.

A Little Poem ~

Somewhere beneath the skies,
lived a little poem,
always out of grasp,
though always in sight.
Such are things of beauty
such do they survive,
first they come as vision,
they stay on as a sigh.

Meaning ~

You are meaningless
without your eyes.
I have seen the smoke 
of your cigarettes laze 
around your face
as you tried to find life's meanings 
at the bottom of a glass of port.
I could have told you,
if you'd asked, 
that you were already a destination:
some people search,
but some people, like you  
just are. 

Favorite Stranger ~

I will be your stranger
& I will find you again in the sun.
The world can be a bit too much 
at times,
but you can seek me out,
a charming dissolute presence,
and you could wonder what 
my favorite bedtime tale would be.

I can look at you, 
as strangers do,
fully but hidden,
interested in a disinterested way,
& make my way to where you stand.
And we would weave our way together
into the heart of a renewed world.
I would be your favorite stranger.

A London Song ~

There is a rhythm and rhyme 
when the river flows,      
the Eye roves 
and there is music -
because you are here. 
The bridges ask us to cross,
the boats say linger,
there is a today unraveling
riding on a hundred yesterdays.
We've walked long miles
through shades and shadows,
inside an Indian summer,
beside sunlight which hustles.
And time goes by so slow, so slow,
if you walk at a pace 
which is ours, ours,
in a stranger-land strangely familiar,
a place which today we claim as ours.

Priorities ~

Of course, 
there would be things to do
but I know they can wait
when there is a bell to listen to 
and an evening to savor.
We can't just sit and stare,
there is a world to discover,      
but let me linger over the coffee,
let me finish a poem on love.
There are mysteries to unveil
and things to complete,
but the chiaroscuro before dark
is more vital than any task.

Bruises ~

I remember your songs 
the way an ache 
remembers a bruise.
The rain finds its aroma
the way the earth 
finds its soul.
Behind your smile lies
the anciet secret 
of life,
whatever much the storms destroy,
you will always carry 
the light.

A skin away ~

I slept beside you,
a small distance 
between your skin 
and mine. 
And in that gap lay
everything which attracted 
and repulsed,
all the truths and lies 
of our lives.
how I hold my breath,
as I say this,
as if summer's secret 
was just being revealed,
a ragged paper,
a secret note.
And I wonder -
aren't the only truths
the silences 
between our words, 
the hurt hurled 
couched inside phrases,
the bruises we bag
beneath our souls. 
And I know, 
even if I bridge this gap
with my despairing hand,
the memories of 1000 scars
will find their way to blast 
my bridge over our river Kwai.
I know the combustion
which happens when 
skin meets skin,
but as combustible 
is the tragedy of stories 
left undone, 
their unwritten words mute,
for therein lie true stories 
which write their last lines
much before the end.
Each one of us find our own pain,
even as we hurtle towards an end 
where our tragedies are the same.

Spring in autumn ~

He lay there, 
like spring,
on autumn leaves,
a tragediene's sign 
at the end of every end,
life abides.

LondonSpeak ~

Did you know my skies always have clouds? 
No, not to hide the sun,
but to give the blues a break.
And in that imperfection 
lies my story.
You may curse my history
or find purchase in my changing seasons 
or muse on my undefinable beauty.

But know my blossoms to be scars,
come to earth to show you can heal with burning.
And in that truth you may find my only truth,
the rest are only true stories.